
Symbyl, Inc

We are scaling to the cloud a proven methodology which, for years, has allowed software development teams to double velocities and cut bugs to zero, consistently and without exception.

Seattle, WA, USA

One Liner

One Liner
We are scaling to the cloud a proven methodology which, for years, has allowed software development teams to double velocities and cut bugs to zero, consistently and without exception.

What Problem We are Solving

The world's approach to building software is fundamentally flawed, costing companies billions of dollars and massive delays and problems. 

Multiple independent tools are typically used to track projects, products, teams, features, stories, bugs.  The resulting hodgepodge of siloed data, combined with tossing large blocks of prose around via requirements, design, testing, etc. documents makes for an inefficient and ineffective way to define such a costly undertaking.  Additionally, few companies actually verify the behavior of their systems, let alone whether they had the desired effect on user behaviors.  

There are hundreds and hundreds of problems with this approach and we can and have fixed a great deal of them with our proven approach.  Traceability, capacity, code testing coverage, unambiguity of what is to be built and how it is to be verified - all built into a trivial to use array of automations, backed by real-time microservices managing workflows and verifying artifact quality. Human minds are freed from tedium and can focus on solutioning and the capacity of staff members is doubled or tripled.

About Us

About Us
The methodology that Symbyl is automating has been honed for nearly a decade by senior Agile practitioners.  We have painstakingly analyzed the issues causing software projects and Agile transformations to fail - or succeed.  

The result is a fundamental rethinking of this process - what artifacts out to exist and what does and does not help teams get properly written software out the door rapidly and correctly and verifiably.  

Our consistent results - without exception - have been a 1.6x to 2.2x increase in teams' velocities vs prior performance and reduction in bugs typically 100-fold or greater (two orders of magnitude).  This has been achieved using simple collaborative workspaces and diagramming tools and disciplined adherence to the approach - which does not scale well.

We are now automating this approach in the way that TurboTax automates the process of filling out IRS forms.  We can eliminate the need for training and making these best practices trivial to follow.  We are also developing extensible, configurable cloud based microservices which monitor and manage process timeboxes and the quality of artifacts moving through the pipeline.  

This facilitates stakeholder engagement, code coverage, code reviews and testing at all levels, and enables very high quality bars for artifacts and the resulting software with minimal effort while also unifying an organization's SDLC and workflow management tooling to a single, simple-to-use platform.  Speed, quality, transparency and cost-effectiveness is achieved in an area historically plagued by poor metrics and hocus-pocus methodologies.

Venture Highlights

We have a working prototype which demonstrates a SaaS / PaaS solution to a myriad of software development and process workflow headaches.  We are striving toward a functional beta product in mid-November 2023 as we have a modest pipeline of paying customers hoping to "get their hands on" our platform.  

We've received feedback that our product roadmap is crystal clear and our marketing plan is mostly solid but we need to augment our team with talented individuals who can execute and improve our path and rollout schedule moving forward.  If we have brilliant, capable, talented folks in the area of HR, Marketing, Administration and Development, our growth potential is truly stellar.  

2024 will be an incredible year for us, but we need the right people to help.

Business Model

Business Model
We have three interconnected product areas:

* Full automated support of the SDLC lifecycle, starting with customer needs gathering and analysis, internal solutioning to meet those needs, product definition with clear, comprehensive scoping (what to build and how), stakeholder engagement and requirements traceability, Agile pipeline management, automated story and feature generation, sprint management, test case and data generation, and full CICD automation.

* Full automated support of accompanying and independent "human workflows", leveraging the same process oversight and optimization framework.

* Training and coaching in the methodology, allowing customers to onboard at scale more rapidly.

Competitive Advantage

What makes us special?  

The fact that we solve so many problems so well and so seamlessly.  Literally nobody in the industry is taking the approach we are taking and our "twice the velocity and 100x fewer bugs" reference improvements over the results customers achieve with our competitor's products.  Worse, these existing products serve only one segment of the problem space and none do their job well.  

Our approach does a much better job, both in our competition's niche space as well as spanning the full problem space.  This will eliminate a half dozen or more tools customers use to address the spectrum of need.  A company could replace Jira, Zendesk, ServiceNow, Planview, Clarity, Asana, Trello, Monday and a host of other "productivity tools" with our single solution - which is cheaper, easier to use, requires almost no training and produces far better results.

Why would they go elsewhere?


Revenue To Date
Revenue YTD
Burn Rate


Total Users
Total Users (Past 30 Days)
Daily Active Users
Monthly Active Users
Total Paying Users
MoM Growth Users
Organic Traffic %

Customer Costs


Go-To Market Strategy

Business Strategy
Phase 1: We continue to work with our avid adopters to hone and refine the customer experience and broaden our use cases.

Phase 2: We expand and engage small, early lifespan companies who are designing and building new software solutions.  As a beta product, we will work with them to further hone our features and usability.  

Phase 3: With a robust, fully scalable product, we automate the onboarding of larger customers, seeking partnerships with software consulting firms, offering discounted internal use of our products for their client solutions, giving them a massive competitive advantage over competitors using traditional approaches.  

Phase 4a: As those solutions are developed and deployed, their clients will want to continue to use our systems to modify and operate their solutions, automatically becoming customers themselves. As more and more companies realize the efficiency and cost savings of what Symbyl offers, it will be difficult to compete without this advantage.

Phase 4b: We market worldwide to all companies engaged in software development.

There will be 50% more software developers in the world within 7 years.  Our time is now.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysys
Existing process management and software development support tools allow visualization of a pipeline and can provide basic dashboards, but they don't address the quality of what's moving through that pipeline or the quality of the data provided to the tool.  Thus, their dashboards are only as good as the data they have, which is usually lousy.  It is human nature to avoid doing difficult or bothersome things, and these tools are difficult and bothersome to use.  So they are avoided.

Best practices should be the easiest practices.  Tools should naturally align with the tasks customers need to get done and make these fun and easier.  Our automation focuses on use cases and tasks which customers need to accomplish, often sending notifications to users so they don't even need to interact with or log in to the tool!  When the user needs to interact with such notifications or the tool, it should be crystal clear what they need to do, and automation should verify that they've done things properly.  

Nobody should have to go find "needles in the haystack" such as tool data hygiene issues, statuses of workflows or quality of objects, positive or negative trends and so forth.  Work should come to the staff.  We should not require the staff to go find the work.  it's a different way of thinking.

Automation can discover these signals and act on them far more quickly and reliably than human beings - all the while allowing humans to understand the context of the work and creatively provide solutions to problems.

Competitor Website
Asana Asana.com
Broadcom/Rally www.broadcom.com
Trello & JIra, Atlassian www.atlassian.com


We are open to meeting up to grab a coffee, or just to chat. We would really enjoy your feedback and insight into our venture and would be happy to discuss anything that you are currently working on to see if we can be of service!


CEO, Symbyl, Inc

Seattle, WA, USA



Name Amount
Amount Raise To Date $350K
Type of Raise TBD

Friends & Family



Business Stage

Business Stage
Business Plan Mapped Out


Future Tech

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